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More information about Tanzania

The work in Iringa started in May 2018 with a group of 10 widows. The group is led by Jackson Mwasibila. In Tanzania we found very deep poverty among the widows. Our help is really needed there.

On August 23, 2019, our organization was officially registered and recognized by the government. We were now able to start the work.

In the meantime, 54 widows meet regularly at least once a week. They started with the so-called 'contribution model' in order to be able to give each other small loans.

Widows in special emergencies (e.g. if the husband recently died) find a home and contact point here. The team on site tries to provide answers, but also actively seeks help from government agencies.

The widow's expropriation cannot be completely prevented by this, but at least she can possibly stay in her house.

Often, the most basic needs can no longer be met, especially at the beginning, and here too we can help as an organization.

In November 2019, a widow agreed to train the group in the production of baskets. These traditional products can be sold on the local as well as international market.

Office address:

Stichting HEART for Widows
Kihesa-Kilolo B,
Iringa Municipal
Office: +255 713 065 105

Registration No I-NGO/R/0514


Utukufu Widows Cooperative
Kihesa-Kilolo B
House number: MK/KK/B/19
Iringa Municipal
Contact: +255 713 065 105